Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Following points apply to the methodology and application of exams at the Faculty of Medicine (Eng.).

a) Exam dates can be changed only by the resolution of the related boards once they have been announced.

b) Exams shall be in the form of theoretical (written, oral, or both written and oral)  and practical (written, oral, or both written and oral) exams.

c) Following the decision of the respective depatment, practical exams may not be given in certain subject committees.

d) Every department has to inform the Faculty Board about their method of practical exams.

e) Practical exams are held prior to the theoretical exams in subject committees. Students who fail to take the practical exams are not allowed to take theoretical exams.

f) Faculty members may give quizzes with our without prior notice in groups or as a class during practical courses. Practical exams may be given orally, in written or both orally and in written.

g) Students must take subject committee, clerksip, final and resit exams on days and at times announced. Students who fail to take an exam in a timely fashion will receive “0” points.

h) Provisions of Higher Education Institutions Regulation on Mid-term Exams apply to students who fail to take the mid-term exams of the non-committee courses due to their excuses.

Subject Committee Exam

Subject committee exams (theoretical and practical) are given at the end of each subject committee in the first, second and third phases. Each subject committee exam covers all courses taken in the respective subject committee. The grade of each course for the practical exams in the subject committees are determined in such a way that it will not exceed 25% of the total grade for the respective course. The theoretical exam grade for a subject committee is the sum of all grades obtained from all courses covered by the respective exam. However, if students obtain a score below 50% of the grade determined for each course covered by the theoretical exam in that subject committee, the threshold system applies.

Threshold applies in the following way. If the number of correct answers in any of the courses covered by the theoretical exam for the subject committee is below 50%, a grade differential from 50% is deducted from the total grade for the respective course and the result is announced as the final grade.

Decimal differences equal to or above 0.5 in the total of the theoretical and practical exam grades are rounded up. Courses with less than 7 theoretical questions (points) are combined to create a threshold. Students who fail to take a subject committe exam receive “0” points from the respective subject committee.

The grade received by students are nullified if they are detected to have taken the exams anyway under unacceptable conditions.

Final Exam

The first, second and third-phase students are admitted to a comprehensive final exam including all of the courses lectured within that academic year. Threshold system applied to the subject committee exams is also applied to the final exam. Students who fail to attend the final exam is assumed to receive “0” points.

The phase final exam is held at least 15 (fifteen) days after the last subject committee exam of the respective phase.

Phase Resit Exam

For the first, second and third-phase students who fail after evaluating their course committee and final exams, a comprehensive resit exam including all of the courses lectured in the respective academic year is administered.

Resit exams are held 15 (fifteen) days after the phase final exams at earliest.

Students who fail resit exam/exams repeat the respective phase.

If a student who fails to attend subject committee exams also fails to attend the resit exams, he/she receives “0’’ points as the phase grade.

Clerkship Exam

The fourth and the fifth phases consist entirely of clinical clerkships. Clerkships are considered as practice courses. Exams are held at the end of each clerkship. Students who are absent during clerkships, no matter what their excuses are, must repeat the clerkship or make up for their absence in order to be able to take the exams.

Clerkship exams are on theory (in written or oral, or both in written and oral) and on practice (in written or oral, or both in written and oral). Students' work and achievements during the clerkship period are taken into consideration in the final assessment.

Clerkship Resit Exam

Students who fail in one or more clerkships in the fourth and the fifth phases take the resit exams of those clerkships at least 15 (fifteen) days after the last clerkship of that academic year ends.

Students who fail the resit exam or exams are allowed to repeat that clerkship/ clerkships in the following academic year once again. The students who fail the exam again are required to take the resit exams of the clerkship/  clerkships that they failed 15 days at earliest after the end of the last clerkship they participated.

Students cannot start the clerkships of a phase before they have completed the clerkships and passed the exams of the previous academic year.

Clerkship grade

Clerkship grade is the grade received from the exam held at the end of a clerkship or from the resit exam.

Family Medicine

In the family medicine phase (the sixth phase) students are individually evaluated by their internship supervisor based on their inpatient, outpatient, laboratory and field work, the patient histories taken, discharge reports prepared, attitude and attention towards patients, on-duty times, seminars attended, level of theoretical knowledge, overall behaviour, etc. at the end of the studies in each department or field. Students must obtain a minimum score of 60 out of a 100 to be considered successful. Students who fail one or more internships during the family medicine phase must repeat and successfully pass the respective internship(s).

Phase Grade

For the first, second and third year students the Phase Grade is the sum of 60% of the average of all grades obtained from subject committee exams and 40% of the final exam or the resit exam. Students must obtain a minimum score of 60 out of a 100 to be considered successful.

Passing grade for the fourth and the fifth phases and in Family Practice, which is the sixth phase (internship), is 60 out of 100. Phase Grade for these phases is the average of clerkship/internship grades.

In non-committee courses, the final grade of each course equals the sum of 40% of the average of the mid-term exams, and 60% of the final exam or resit exam grade. The passing grade is a minimum of 50 out of a 100.

The following table shows the points, grades and degree equivalents of the grades.

Grade Point

Letter Grade


Verbal Value








Very Good





























Make-up Exam

Students who attend the subject committees and clerkships but fail to take an exam due to an excuse must submit their excuses within the 5 working days from the respective exam. Students whose excuses are accepted by the Executive Board, are entitled to take the “make-up exam”. Make-up exam is not admitted for the final and resit exams of the first, second and third phases. Make-up exam is given after the end of the academic year.

Appeal on Exam Results

Students address the appeals on exam results to the Dean's Office in written form in 7 days following the announcement of the results at the latest. These appeals are examined by relevant professors and grades are duly corrected only if there is an error of fact. Grades are not changed for any other reason.