Key Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this programme:

  1. Learn the benefits of engineering perspective and evaluation techniques.
  2. Have a strong background in science and engineering topics and apply them in his own subject.
  3. Identify the engineering problems and have the ability to overcome them as a team.
  4. Gain a vision to think the system in one big piece by sistem approach.
  5. Gain ability to learn over a life period.
  6. Gain ability in decision making, adaptation and communication skills.
  7. Have a global perspective.
  8. Learn to be able to come up with research outlines and ideas, thinking about ethical issues, analyze the data, write a report indicating the obtained results, announce these information to related people and transfer these results to professional life.
  9. Use written and visual sources effectively.
  10. Have the ability to set up experiments, analyze and comment about the results for engineering problems.
  11. Have a strong communication with colleagues and follow the latest news and innovations in the content of industrial engineering by speaking at least one foreign language.
  12. Can use required essential computer software.
  13. Have a self awareness about the relationship between the economic and legal consequences of engineering solutions and social and global impact of engineering applications and have the consciousness about work health and safety and protection of natural environment.