1. It is impossible to specify 30 ECTS credits each term precisely. For this reason, it should be 28 or 32. Is it compulsory to be 30?
Yes, there should be 30 ECTS credits each term. ECTS credits have to be 240 in four-year programmes and 120 in two-year programmes in total.

2. How much should the total workload of courses in a term (half-year) be?
The workload of courses which should be taken in a term should be 750 (30 credits x 25 hours).

3. No credits have been given for interns so far. Do we have to give them later?
Yes, every activity that the student has done should be taken into account and be credited and be shown into the curriculum.

4. Should the "syllabus" prepared for every course is made ready in English and in Turkish in the format sent to us?
Yes. Every arranged document should be prepared in English and in Turkish. The learning outcomes of each course that takes place in syllabus and that has students will be defined by the lecturer of this course, and a syllabus will be prepared for each of these courses.

5. Should "main-bodies of department/programme" be prepared as the titles indicated in the sample? Yes, certainly. Is it possible to make changes on the model?
No. All the department/ programmes’ main-bodies of our university need to be prepared in the frame of the same titles and subtitles. But the characteristics and levels (5th level: vocational school; 6th level: undergraduate; 7th level: graduate and 8th level: Ph.D.) of department/programmes should be taken into account while writing the content of the titles and they should be written ideographically.

6. Is it necessary to relate the common courses which are given to different departments with same code with the learning outcomes for each programme given?
Yes, because the outputs of every programme and the fulfillment of the need of each programme's outputs are different from each other. But, ECTS credits of Turkish Language and ATA courses and School of Foreign Language courses will be the same for every department.

7. What must be cared for while calculating the ECTS credits of elective courses?
While the credits of the optional courses which are going to take place in the departments' optional - courses pools are calculated, the total ECTS credits of the terms in which these courses can be taken into consideration. The elective courses mentioned before must be included into the workload of that term by showing as if they are going to be taken in that term and they also must be arranged as limited to 30 ECST credits.

8. Are we going to compare the learning outcomes of the optional courses taken from the other departments with the outputs of our department/programme?
The learning outcomes of each course which takes place in the curriculum will be defined by the lecturer of this course and these learning outcomes will be compared with the department/ programmes' outputs by the head of these department/programmes.

9. How will the lecturers determine the workload (ECTS credits) of the courses they give?
The lecturers will calculate the workload of their courses on the students with the feedback of the students according to the workload calculation table. These feedbacks will be taken with the forms filled in by the students at the end of the semester. In addition, calculations will be done together with the department/programme Bologna Coordinator with the help of the EXCEL table on the web page of the university.

10. Is it going to be identified how the learning outcomes of the course fulfill the outputs of the programme the course is given? How?
This will be learnt from the students just like the feedbacks taken from the students about ECTS credits. This means that, the question of how the learning outcomes of the course fulfill the program outputs will be asked in the evaluation forms filled in by the students at the end of the semester.

11. What should we take into consideration when preparing the learning outcomes of the courses?
“Which skill of the student develops when s/he takes this course?” The answer of this question is the learning outcome of the course. Here, the point which should be taken into consideration is to indicate the learning outcomes item by item. (Using bullets like 1, 2,...;1.1, 1.2,...  or . ,. )

12. By whom should the syllabus of the courses given by part time lecturers be prepared?
The syllabus of every course in curriculum will be prepared by the lecturer of this course.

13. Will these efforts end when our university gets ECTS and Diploma Supplement labels?
No, it is an ongoing process.